by Lifechoicely
Every ring signifies something different, whether it’s to celebrate a special occasion, represent an achievement in life, or to symbolize something else of importance.
When picking a ring type, keep your purpose firmly in mind! Considerations of where and how you plan to wear the ring are also important. Whatever style you pick should work well with your overall situation and purpose. You need to feel comfortable enough with your ring that you won’t be tempted to leave it sitting in the jewelry box all day!
To help you choose your perfect ring, here is all the information you need to know about the different types of rings and what they symbolize.

Women have been given rings by men as a promise of marriage since the Middle Ages. At that time, people believed that the ring finger had a direct connection to a person’s heart, and that emotion was channeled in through a person’s left hand. A ring on the left ring finger, therefore, was thought to be a sign of a person’s love and devotion. As such, it was mandatory for engagement rings to be worn on the left ring finger. In fact, women were actually prohibited to wear any other type of ring on that finger!
Today, an engagement ring (usually bought by the man and worn by the woman) still plays an important role before the official wedding. It still symbolizes a couple’s love and devotion and a mutual promise to marry. Although it is no longer mandatory for the ring to be worn on the left ring finger, most couples seem content to carry on this timeless tradition.
Wedding Ring

Wedding bands are often seen as a symbol of eternal love. They’re usually exchanged between couples on their wedding day and worn to show the world they are married.
During the wedding ceremony, couples will exchange their vows to one another. This includes promises to stay together and not be unfaithful. Rings are given as a symbol of that promise.
Anniversary Band

Married couples sometimes exchange rings to commemorate their wedding anniversary and celebrate a milestone. However, there is no set rule for when this should happen. A “milestone anniversary” could be the 10th, 20th, 25th, or the 50th anniversary—whatever the couple decides.
There is also no need for a couple to match their anniversary ring with their wedding set. It could be similar, to show continuity. Or it could be completely different from their wedding ring, to indicate that the couple is entering a new and exciting phase of their marriage!
Fashion Ring

A ring worn for decorative, rather than symbolic, purposes is called a fashion ring. Fashion rings are designed with specific settings in mind and can be for both men and women. They can be custom-made for the wearer and may be given as a reward for achievements like a graduation, or as a birthday gift. They could also be purchased to wear at an event.
Statement Ring
Statement rings are not just any ring! Statement rings are likely the most eye-catching pieces of jewelry in one’s collection. As the name implies, they’re all about making a statement (whether that’s to oneself or to the world). Statement rings are a piece of jewelry that often come with a strong message. They communicate something to the world, and people pay attention.
Here are some of the most common statement rings:
Promise Ring

The promise ring symbolizes love and commitment. In a romantic relationship, at the very least it shows an intention to take the relationship seriously. At most, it could show a hope, or even a promise, to become engaged at an unspecified point in the future (such as after college or when the couple feels financially capable and ready.)
Promise rings can also be used to make pledges between friends. Kids and parents alike love them because they’re a way of showing that they will be there for each other forever.
Promise rings can basically mean anything – like a promise to be more faithful in your beliefs, or set some kind of goal and stick with it. They’re great for making resolutions too!
Birthstone Ring
Birthstone rings are a popular trend amongst statement rings. Each stone represents a person’s birth month. It may serve as a reminder and a pretty piece of fanciness at the same time. Counting from January, there are twelve different stones which represent the 12 months.

Purity Ring

Purity rings (also known as abstinence rings, or chastity rings) usually show the wearer’s commitment to exercise self-control and abstain from physical intimacy until marriage. In other words, it makes a statement that the person chooses to remain a virgin until after the wedding, usually in keeping with their moral standards or religious beliefs. Purity rings are usually worn on the left ring finger, but sometimes on the right ring finger. In recent years, they have become popular again as a jewelry or fashion accessory, particularly among women.
Cocktail Ring

Cocktail rings earned their name from being a symbol of wealth and power that women wore during the Prohibition Era in the 1920s. They were originally intended to be worn by those who are of a higher social class than others. For this reason, they’re not meant to be worn as an everyday ring. Women prefer to wear them during formal occasions.
Signet Ring

The name “signet” comes from the Latin word “signum”, meaning “sign”. Signet rings originated with Egyptian kings but were later also used by religious leaders and merchants, among others. These rings were used to stamp and seal documents by pressing the face of the ring (etched with a unique identifying mark) into hot wax. At one point, signet rings had the status symbol quality of the rich and famous. In today’s world, they have become an accessory that any man can wear. But even so, they are still seen as a reflection of good taste and a sign of wealth.
Fraternal Ring

Fraternal rings are worn as a sign of membership in a fraternity or other organization. A “fraternal” organization simply means a group of people who come together to support one another, for mutual benefit. The word “fraternal” has roots in the word “brother”, but of course, there is room for both men and women to wear fraternal rings.
The focus of a fraternal ring is on the group association, rather than the individual, so group members all wear similar or identical rings. Some people might like to flaunt their ring as a status symbol or sign of accomplishment, if the group is prestigious or difficult to join.
Over time, the meaning of fraternal rings has been changing. More and more people are creating their own individualized rings with symbols that remain deeply rooted in tradition, while also incorporating new design elements. However, whether the ring design is more traditional or more innovative, a fraternal ring can easily become a treasured keepsake.
Estate Ring
An estate ring is a pre-owned ring that is not more than 30 years old. This type of piece has most likely been worn by at least one other person. Even if the ring is only a few months old, if it has been previously owned and worn by somebody else, it is classified as an estate ring.
Some estate rings might also be reproduction rings, and it is often hard to tell them apart from the originals. The jeweler should be able to provide the buyer with the details about the ring’s verification of authenticity when it is marked ‘estate’. This information is needed so that the buyer can have confidence in the purchase.
Vintage Ring
Simply put, a ring is considered a “vintage” ring when it is between 30 and 100 years old. However, even more than their age, today’s vintage rings are classified according to their design. A “vintage” designation for an engagement ring usually signifies that the ring’s style or design is from the “Retro Era” (1837-1960). Here are the most common “vintage” ring designs:
- Victorian Era: 1837-1901
- Art Nouveau Era:1890-1910
- Edwardian Era: 1901-1920
- Art Deco Era:1920-1930
- Mid-Century Era: 1940-1960
Antique Ring
Antique rings are similar to vintage rings, but older. The definition of an antique ring is one that is already at least a 100 years old.
People love rings, not only for their value, but also because they symbolize so many other meaningful things. A beautiful ring can quickly become a cherished keepsake!
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