by Lifechoicely
Beautiful. Confident. Prepared. Doesn’t this describe what you desire to be on the day of your wedding?
Whether you’re the bride, a bride’s maid, or just simply a guest, you will want to look and feel your best on that special day.
You can rest assured that with a little planning and some helpful hints you can look and feel radiant on the day of the event! Our pre-wedding beauty and health tips can set you on the path to becoming that healthy and radiant version of yourself.
Read-on to get details on how to look fantastic for the big day. The clock is ticking–and with the wedding day fast approaching, it’s never too early to start implementing a pre-wedding beauty regimen!
How you should prepare and take care of your skin depends on the type of skin you have. Knowing your skin type will help you choose wisely from the countless skin care products available on the market.

- Cleanse. Regardless of your skin type, remove the dirt on your face by religiously washing it — at least once a day, especially before bedtime. Failing to cleanse your face regularly can create unpleasant skin issues due to dirt and oil that build up through the day.
- Exfoliate. Exfoliation improves skin appearance by removing the outer dry and dull layer of the skin. Depending on your skin type, you can practice exfoliating up to three times a week. Using an appropriate exfoliation product, rub the skin gently for about 30 seconds and then rinse off with lukewarm water. Avoid exfoliating if your skin has cuts, open wounds, or is sunburned. Learn more about proper exfoliation here.
- Moisturize. Moisturizing can make any fine lines and wrinkles on your face less visible. It can also help your skin retain sufficient moisture to combat rough, flaky skin. Dry, rough and flaky skin is a common result of frequent bathing, use of harsh soaps, aging, certain medical conditions, and even climate.
- Hydrate. Hydrated skin is smooth, radiant, and evenly toned. To achieve optimal hydration for your skin, you must quench your thirst and hydrate your whole body. Obviously, this involves drinking enough water. How much is “enough” depends on a person’s weight and physical activity, among other things. However, many health experts suggest as a general rule that men drink about 4 liters per day and that women drink about 3 liters of water per day. It also helps to eat water-rich foods. Fruits and vegetables are not only hydrating, but they are also beneficial to your skin in a variety of other ways.
A study of body image and the perception of beauty has shown that body dissatisfaction is the leading cause of a variety of undesirable behaviors, such as eating disorders and unhealthy diets. A person’s feelings, attitudes, and behaviors are all influenced by their body image and self-esteem. It’s difficult for anyone to have a healthy self-esteem while simultaneously hating their own body (or part of it).
It’s also true that if you don’t value yourself, you will be less likely to treat your body with the respect it deserves. This leads to a further decline in health and beauty and an even lower self-esteem. It’s a downward spiral! Furthermore, it’s difficult to notice other positive aspects of your life when struggling with a low body image and self-esteem. This is why taking care of your body is also a necessary part of protecting your mental/emotional health—especially as your wedding day draws near. Here’s where you should focus to safeguard your pre-wedding health and prepare yourself for your wedding day.
- Fitness and Nutrition Plan. Looking your best on your wedding day should not require excessive dieting and weight loss prior to the event. Rather, focus on developing healthy eating habits without overdoing it. However, if you want to pursue dieting, there are several different types of diets and eating plans that can serve as your guide.
- Work-Out. The goal is to stay fit and healthy for your wedding day, and as much as possible, for a lifetime. Choosing work-out activities that you enjoy and can engage in regularly will make it easier for you to stick with the program. Activities such as yoga, biking, outdoor running, and the like can foster a sense of well-being while helping you achieve your dream body.
- Hair Removal. The goal of having smooth, flawless skin for your wedding day may first require removing unwanted hair from your body. There are several different methods currently in use, including shaving, waxing, and laser hair removal. Some methods are easy to use on your own, while others require a dermatologist or other trained professional.
Having an effective hair care regimen is essential, not only for your appearance but also to ensure the health of your hair and scalp. In addition, the condition of your hair has a huge impact on your confidence and self-esteem. Remember, for your wedding—possibly the most anticipated event of your life—you will need all the self-confidence you can get!
- Nourish. Good nutrition will improve the over-all health and beauty of your hair. To literally nourish your hair, make sure to eat a nutritious diet, and consider taking a supplement formulated especially for hair health. To keep your hair healthy and radiant, make sure to use a gentle shampoo, and avoid washing your hair every day. Over-shampooing is one of the most common causes of dry and damaged hair.
- Hydrate. Staying hydrated will benefit your hair, as well as your skin and body. To strengthen and grow your hair, drink at least three to four liters of water per day (as mentioned before). Applying heat to the hair can also be harmful. Too much blow drying, straightening, and curling can cause your hair to become brittle and dry. Consider letting your hair dry naturally if it is not too cold outside.
- Remove Split Ends. You can minimize split ends by cutting your hair regularly and nourishing it properly. Or, you can ask your favorite hairstylist to remove your split ends with an attractive new cut and style!
Your wedding may only last one day, but the photos you take on that day will last a lifetime. It makes sense to schedule a dental appointment a few months before the wedding to ensure that your teeth are free of major issues like cavities or gum disease. However, in addition to visiting your dentist, remember to take care of your teeth at home as well.
Hands & Nails
As a bride and groom, paying special attention to your hands and nails is typically the last thing on your to-do list. However, as the wedding-day center of attention, you just cannot afford to let your hands become dry and dull! After all, they will be photographed extensively during the events of the day. Although it may seem like you don’t have time, adding just a few moments of hand moisturizing and nail care to your daily routine can make a big difference. You will be glad you did!
Sleeping Habits
Your wedding day is fast approaching and as the days go by, you may have a hard time sleeping. Stress and sleeplessness go hand in hand. The more stressed you are, the less sleep you tend to get; and the less sleep you get, the more stressed you will feel. Here are some tips and tricks to help yourself get a good rest.
- Create and consistently follow a bedtime and waking schedule. Sleep for at least 8 hours every day to avoid dark circles under your eyes and to add a natural glow to your skin.
- Stay away from sugar, alcohol and caffeine from midday onward.
- Put your gadgets away at bedtime.
- Use your bed for sleeping only, not as an office, workroom, or place to watch television. By reserving your bed for sleep you teach your body to associate going to bed with sleep.
- Take a warm bath in the evening as often as possible.
- Spend time writing down your worries so you can let them go, rather than bringing them to bed. Meditation or prayer may also help with this.
Eating Habits
In the rush of finishing up wedding plans and projects, good nutrition may go by the wayside. Although healthy eating does take some time and thought, the results are worth it! Here are some simple nutritional tips to remember.
- It almost goes without saying, but it is important to eat healthy meals. Include lots of fruits and vegetables as they are a powerhouse for vitamins and other nutrients.
- Do not skip meals. (Constant snacking is not a good substitute for regular meals!)
- Cut down on fast foods and sweets as they are high on calories and prevent you from getting in shape.
- Satiate your cravings by having healthy alternatives available.
- Have realistic pre-wedding diet goals
Drinking Habits
- As mentioned before, drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water everyday as it helps remove toxins from your body.
- Develop a habit of sipping small quantities of water – it helps to keep you away from binging on unhealthy snacks.
- Eliminate all sugar-loaded drinks and sodas.
- Limit alcohol intake in any given day to two drinks or less for men and one drink or less for women.
- Don’t keep alcohol in your house.
Managing Stress and Pre-Wedding Jitters
Feeling stressed while planning a wedding is quite common—some would even say inevitable. The experience of countless couples and their tales of wedding jitters bear this out. According to a survey of 500 engaged couples, 3 out of every 4 couples feel stressed out by wedding planning. Nevertheless, there are still ways to cope effectively with all the stress a wedding can bring. Here are a few helpful hints.
- Create a sustainable, stress-busting self-care routine to help maintain or improve your overall sense of wellbeing.
- Take time out from your daily tasks and big wedding priorities to just sit back and relax.
- While relaxing, take a moment to meditate and think specifically about how well you are coping.
- While juggling a lot of different priorities and opinions, keep in mind what really matters and keep that as your focus.
- Do your best to stay optimistic, relaxed, and calm.
- Seek out help from a friend, relative or counselor if you feel overwhelmed.
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