by Lifechoicely
Do you think you’re ready to get married? While the famous “when you know, you know” may be true, there are more ways to determine your readiness!
The signs that you are ready for marriage may include emotional, spiritual and financial aspects.
Here are indicators of readiness for a lifetime commitment, and some things you should be mindful of before marriage.

- Conflicts are a part of your journey as a couple (especially during the engagement period) and they are not something to just be ignored. Here are a few signs that you and your S.O. might be at a level where you can face conflicts head-on. If you’re able to recognize what triggers are likely to lead to a fight, and then discuss things out when faced with them, this shows that you’re capable of managing conflicts well.
- You and your partner are willing to talk about tough topics, even the biggest struggles. Although it may feel difficult to handle these conversations, both of you can commit to actively listening and engaging in honest dialogue.
- You both share what you’re feeling, keeping in mind the other person’s boundaries and taking ownership over your actions. You recognize the importance of being gentle with each other, especially with your words, when handling conflicts.
Compatibility (Shared Interests & Values)

Whether you are in love, engaged to be married, or currently dating, it is crucial that you and your partner have a lot of things in common. This will help you work through any problems that arise between you and ensure a happy relationship.
For example, you share a common religion and morals; you love the same foods, films, TV shows, and music; and you have a similar sense of humor. In order to make your relationship work, you need to find some common ground.
If you do not have these things in common, consider moving on to someone who can help make your relationship work. Otherwise, learn to settle into a relationship with someone who’s completely different from you.
Financial Stability

Some married couples find themselves unhappy due to the financial stress of having insufficient assets. Experts often suggest assessing your own personal income and assets before marriage. Then, try to achieve financial stability before you actually tie the knot.
One way to do this is to secure an emergency fund that is good for at least six months to one year ‘s worth of living expenses. If you are able to manage this on your own, then it will be easier for you to work together as a couple towards your financial goals after marriage.
Free From Baggage Of The Past

A healthy married life requires both of you to be honest about your emotional stability. We all know that marriage inevitably brings some unhappiness and problems. However, if you can identify issues in your relationship before you tie the knot, you will be able to work on them and have a healthier, more satisfying marriage later on.
Be sure you have dealt with any emotional wounds before diving into marriage. If you struggle with anger or bitterness for example, work through those emotions before starting a new level of relationship with your partner.
Readiness For A Lifetime Commitment

Marriage is a lifelong commitment, and “lifelong” means there is no turning back! That is one reason why marriage is considered sacred. A lifelong commitment means that you love your spouse enough to stay together “until death do us part.”
In most cases, the beginning of a relationship is always exciting. But, as time passes on, the excitement fades, and it becomes tougher to know if the relationship is worth it. One way to determine if you are ready for a lifetime commitment is to talk about your relationship with someone close to you.
Sharing your thoughts with those closest to you will help them provide insight and advice. Some people use external factors, such as time, age and maturity to recognize if a relationship is worth it. But, in addition to these things, you also need to consider, “Am I ready?” If yes, what are your reasons? If not, what is stopping you?
Understanding your own reasons for wanting to be in a life-long commitment will help you determine when it is the right time to take the plunge. Remember, having a long relationship is not just about the number of years you have been in a relationship; it also depends on how solid your relationship is.
Ability To Manage Expectations

Expectations are thoughts about future outcomes. When these aren’t met, it is common to feel disappointment, sadness or frustration. Therefore, many people think that expectations in a relationship are harmful.
What we often don’t understand is that expectations can be helpful, as long as they are mutual and not something one individual imposes on the other person. Actually, it is important to know what to expect from your partner – if not, then you will have conflicts which can lead to bickering.
Maintaining an open and accepting mind is another crucial point. Remember that your partner’s standards for goal setting and achievement may not be the same as yours. Finding someone that matches your standards for meeting goals, and who also has similar expectations for your relationship, may not be very easy.
Acceptance Of Your Partner’s Weaknesses

It’s sometimes hard to accept a partner’s weaknesses, especially when you both lack the same qualities. But the truth is, we all have shortcomings, and it’s important that partners are able to accept each other for who they are. You’ll be able to love your partner better and enjoy them more if you can accept their flaws.
The fact is, nobody is good at everything! It is likely impossible for you to change your partner anyway, so it’s better not to try. If your loved one refuses to change their ways despite your requests, it can lead to a lot of frustration. The best thing that you can do for your relationship is accept that your partner’s habits and preferences will never fully align with your own.
Instead of trying to change them, pray for them and focus on their positive qualities. They may have some qualities that you think are unacceptable, but there will always be good traits and aspects of their personality that you’ll come to cherish over time. It might be difficult to focus on their good points when you’re frustrated, but the more you do it, the easier it will become.
Emotional Security With Your Partner

It is important that you and your partner have an emotionally intimate relationship. Trust can be a very important part of the emotional connection between the two of you. If trust is broken, the resulting feelings of insecurity or discomfort can weaken your relationship and hinder the development of intimacy.
If your partner is not being honest with you, tell them how you feel. Allow them to offer explanations and apologies. Communication about any issues that affect your emotional connection is very important! Go ahead and share what you are insecure about in your relationship, and ask for help from your significant other in order to restore the broken trust.
Willingness To Share Everything

Sharing everything with a spouse is a hallmark of commitment. The willingness to share every aspect of your life is an indication that you want to be married. Keep in mind, however, that living together also requires a willingness to change your living habits and give up some of your own privacy.
It’s normal for couples to share everything; however, some couples hesitate when it comes to their assets. Although this approach may work for some couples, one study has shown that couples who are comfortable sharing all aspects of their lives with each other- including finances- tended to have higher levels of relationship satisfaction. That is definitely something to consider when contemplating marriage!
Agreement on Religious Differences

Have you and your significant other had any frank discussions about your spiritual beliefs lately? While it may not be a common topic for casual dates, a thorough discussion about your deeply held values and spiritual beliefs becomes imperative when the relationship turns serious. In fact, a couple who avoids discussing this important topic only at their own peril!
During the discussion, you may find some potential conflicts that need resolution, or some other topics for further discussion. In addition, you may find a need to learn and grow together spiritually as you prepare for marriage. How this plays out will be different for different religions and beliefs.
According to relationship expert Pareen Sehat, MC, RCC, having aligned goals and values is crucial for a successful marriage. If you and your partner share the same faith or spiritual path, or at least respect and support each other’s beliefs, you will have a stronger foundation for your relationship. You will also be able to face life’s challenges and joys together with a shared sense of meaning and purpose. And when you do, it’s time to get that ring!
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